It's time for a radical transformation of our education system.

It’s time to each find our unique voice and come together in an inclusive space that values our differences.

It's time to leave antiquated assessment and grading practices behind and cultivate brave spaces of authentic learning.

 There’s strength in numbers.

 Let’s build a critical mass of changemakers.

Are you in?

Let's do this!




👉 You have been working towards the transformation of assessment and grading systems and keep bumping up against the brick wall of the status quo.

👉 You feel like a "middle child" of the education system as you're not teacher enough for the teachers, and not leader enough for the leaders.

👉 You are ready and willing to use your voice to recruit and collaborate with others, but still feel imposter syndrome.

👉 You are an action-taker who wants to stop talking about what needs to change and actually do it.

👉 You have built expertise in sound assessment practices but grapple with how to inspire others to think differently.

👉 You recognize how disrupting traditional assessment and grading is non-negotiable to achieving equity.

👉 You strongly believe all learners can demonstrate agency if we create the conditions for them to do so.





The purpose of this event is to gather people who lead from the middle of the education system to build community and equip attendees with the tools to expand their impact as visionary catalysts. The practices of assessment and reporting are shifting across North America and this summit will provide opportunities for people in instructional leadership roles to collaborate, wonder, network, reflect, imagine, and create in personally meaningful ways.

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How do I amplify my authentic self to create real change in a complex system?

Complexity is not synonymous with impossible; it just requires a different set of tools than we have used in the past. With the amount of noise in the school space, we need leadership that moves people. Throughout the two days of the summit, you will learn how our stories can be used as a tool for change. 

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Vancouver Tickets


The Story of Self

What calls you to leadership on this cause? What moment of pain prompted a change for you? How might your transformation inspire others?


The Story of Us

What are the values of our communities? Where do we have shared values and interests? Whose perspectives do we need to better understand?


The Story of Now

What is the vision on the other side of the change you seek? What is the price of inaction? How can people get started immediately to work towards this vision?

This is not your typical conference. 

While most conferences include speeches and sessions that do little to support the implementation of the ideas presented, the summit is a dialogue-driven learning experience that is catalyzed by storytellers. The physical space will act as the third teacher, inspiring creative thinking and community. Rather than leaving attendees asking, "How will this apply back in my context?" each person will be guided through a process of individual discovery and implementation planning. 

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Natalie Vardabasso

A worthy foe of the status quo who is embracing complexity and unleashing empowerment one #EduCrush at a time.

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Katie White

Passionate transformation partner who seeks to help educators Soften the Edges of their assessment practices. 

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Tom Schimmer

Internationally-acclaimed speaker and author of nine books, including the bestseller Grading from the Inside Out. 

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Calgary Event
Vancouver Event

This event is graciously sponsored by:


SpacesEDU is a digital portfolio platform that aims to capture the moment when growth happens. They are on a mission to reimagine assessment as a space where every student can tell their story. 


InceptionU is a private, not-for-profit learning organization that is addressing the skills gaps in the digital economy. They are building an ecosystem of innovation to develop our future-ready competencies.